Common Gliding Lizard - Draco volans - click to go to next imageCommon Gliding Lizard - Draco volans - click to go to next imageCommon Gliding Lizard - Draco volans - click to go to next image
photos by Thomas Gramanitsch - 1988
Draco lizards can leap from a tree trunk, loop around, amd land farther down the same tree facing head up. Skin between elongated ribs on each side of their bodies is deployed like a super-fast umbrella when they leap.
Males defend their territorries, displaying their prominent dewlaps to opponents and potential mates alike.
(Tim Lawman - National Geographic October 2000)
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created :8.1.2001 - updated : 20.1.2001 - minor changes : 25.1.2022 - (c) Th.Gramanitsch