Charly's Pictures
This page is dedicated to the memory
of Heinz Oswald, who lost his life under tragically circumstances at Kho Phi
Phi on December 26, 2004.
click on the images to enlarge
Many thanks to Charly, who took this great photos on our trip to the Similan
Islands, Ko Bon, Ko Tachai, Ko Surin and
Richelieu Rock with the yacht Excalibur
of Heinz Oswald - Moskito
On our extraordinary dive at Ko Bon at February 19, 2002 we dived almost a
hour with 3 manta-rays - gliding around us like
spaceships or hanggliders.
Charly was one of the first divers, who discoverd Ghostpipefishes at Ko Pee
Pee Lae.
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created : 24.3.2002 - updated : 26.1.2005 - minor changes: 23.12.2021 / 25.7.2024 - (c)
- (c) images Karl
Heinz planed to stay in
his house at Phuket to spend more time with his family. They just missed the
morning ferry to Phuket because the children dawdled a little bit to long.
While waiting for the next ferry-boat a 4-5 metres tall Tsunami-wave from
Tonsai-bay devastated Phi Phi Village. On the run with his wife and his children
Heinz was caught by a second Tsunami-wave from shallow Lodulum-bay - almost
twice as high as the first wave. Phi Phi Village was wiped out. Heinz and
his two daughters Tina and Anna lost their lifes together with about 2000
others on the island and 280 000 in the region. His wife Oiy and his son Dino
survived the disaster.
(c) image moskitodiving