As La - dive instructor at Paradise Diving
/ Pee Pee Paradise Pearl Resort - showed us this rare and strange animal
which he recently had discovered after more than 2000 dives in the Pee
Pee area we didn't know what it was. We could observe how it was feeding
with its 10 tree-like tentacles. Fully expanded these tentacles catch plancton
or other small lifeforms. Then - one by one - the tentacles are somehow
"licked off". Reducing the internal pressure of one of the tentacles
made them fluffy. They end up in a hole at the center of the animal.
Within seconds the pressure is reestablished and all the branches again
fully expand. Then another tentacle is "licked off" and so on ... This
species seems to be really rare.
(Thanks to Helmut Schuetz, who conformed our
created : 24.3.2000 - updated : 25.3.2002 - minor changes : 23.12.2021
- (c) Th.Gramanitsch